Sanctuary Encouraging Pennyrile To ‘Chalk The Walk’

Joined by Mayor J.R. Knight and Judge-Executive Jerry Gilliam, Sanctuary Inc. Executive Director Heather Lancaster and her team “Chalked The Walk” in downtown Hopkinsville Wednesday afternoon — bringing art and awareness together for April as “Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month.”

On the steps of the old courthouse, at the corner of Sixth and South Main, Lancaster described sexual assault as anything oppressive and unwanted advances most likely physical in nature.

Furthermore, she said it was the duty of anyone to report sexual violence if it’s known, in order to stay proactive and protective.

The idea, she said, is to always do the right thing.

Knight and Gilliam shared a declarative and informative proclamation for the month, one that noted several facts:

— Sexual violence is an intolerable violent crime that impacts public health.

— According to the CDC, Kentucky has some of the highest rates of sexual violence in the country, with 47.7% of the state’s women and 19.6% of the state’s men having experienced it.

— Also, young people in Kentucky are at risk, with 14% of high school students recently claiming they’ve experienced dating violence.

— Last year, Kentucky’s regional rape crisis centers responded to nearly 3,000 calls, and in so provided more than 18,500 counseling sessions, 4,900 advocacy and more than 2,500 educational services for 102,000 Kentuckians in need of help.

Lancaster said “Chalking The Walk” is an easy, effective way to quickly spread a message.

Currently located at 210 E 9th Street in Hopkinsville, Sanctuary Inc. and its officials can be reached by phone at (270) 885-4572. They serve the nine-county Pennyrile region, and currently more than 20 businesses have already “chalked their walks” with hopeful notes and helpful advice.

Celebrating 40 years of success and assistance to women and men in need, Lancaster also stated efforts remain positive toward a potential move of the main office.

For businesses and community members looking to “chalk their walk,” message ideas include: YOU AREN’T ALONE, YOU MATTER, BELIEVE THE VICTIMS and I AM NOT WHAT HAPPENED TO ME.
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