Annual Extension Agent Conference June 21 – 23 In Western Kentucky


Agriculture Extension Agents from across Kentucky will gather this week in Draffenville for professional improvement, agriculture tours, and a time of networking and fellowship.

Hopkins County Agriculture Extension Agent Jay Stone is among those helping to plan the event that will be hosted at Kentucky Dam Village State Park from June 21 through June 23.

click to download audioStone says exchanging ideas is one of the benefits of the conference.

click to download audioHe adds Webster County Agriculture Extension Vicki Shadrick and McLean County Ag Agent David Fourqurean are among those helping with the planning of the event that is being hosted by Livingston County Ag Extension Agent Adam Barnes.

click to download audioStone says planning a conference takes quite a bit of work.

click to download audioThe annual conference rotates across the state to a location near where the president of the organization works. The conference returns to western Kentucky in 2025.



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