Fair Attendance The Highest In 15 Years


Spurred by a big night Saturday, attendance for the 2023 Western Kentucky State Fair topped last year and was the best in 15 years.

44,056 people attended thus year’s fair, slightly topping last year’s total and beating the 2021 total by over 3,000 people.

6,278 people came out Saturday despite a brief bout of severe weather that moved through Christian County.

The Saturday total was over 1,100 more than the final night last year.

This year’s fair was helped by good weather for the first seven nights and strong numbers for the opening weekend that featured pageants and the demolition derby.

Fair board member Tony Meacham said a successful fair is the result of hard work from a fair board with over 100 members.

click to download audioThe attendance is the best since the fair board moved the fair up a week in 2017 and the highest since 2008.

The record attendance was over 63,400 people in 1978 for an August fair that featured performances in the convention center by Kenny Rogers, Ronnie Milsap, and the Statler Brothers.

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