Citizens Voice Concerns About Officer At Hopkinsville Council Meeting

The actions of one police officer on social media continue to be a talking point for community members. Though no action was taken or discussed, Hopkinsville City Council heard from several concerned citizens Tuesday night regarding Officer Jeremiah Kline.

The first to speak was NAACP Hopkinsville President Terri Redwine.

click to download audioFormer State Representative Jeff Taylor called for the immediate dismissal of Kline.

click to download audioGwen Parker added that it is a reflection on our city.

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Nancy Askew says it wasn’t just a symbol on a photo.

click to download audioThere were a couple of people to speak in support of Officer Kline, including Jeff Springer.

click to download audioRobert Bussell says Officer Kline is not racist and the entire thing has been blown out of proportion.

click to download audio

Former Police Chief Clayton Sumner says the department had a policy regarding posting in uniform on social media, but discipline does not mean dismissal.

click to download audioFollowing public comment, the Council heard a financial update from Chief Financial Officer, Melissa Clayton who says the payroll tax collection continues to be up.

click to download audioShe adds the overall budget for the month ended in a positive number.

click to download audioThe Council voted to have ordinances drawn up concerning the rezoning of two areas on Pyle Lane.

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