Demolition Of Historic Phoenix Building Delayed Again As Asbestos Abatement Process Stalls

Asbestos abatement continues to have the demolition process on hold for the historic Phoenix building in downtown Hopkinsville.

During a hearing in the civil division of Christian County Circuit Court Wednesday morning, Judge Andrew Self ordered an asbestos abatement notice be completed by close of business Thursday – if not, the city must start the process.

A notice must be completed at least ten days before the process can begin to identify the asbestos within the building and share how the contractor plans to remove it.

Defense attorney Kenneth Humphries said he’s been in communication with Lexington’s Bluegrass Asbestos Abatement about the process.

For some reason, the notice has not been created.

Attorneys for the City of Hopkinsville are not happy with the progress of the demolition. City Attorney Doug Willen said they are ready to take over at any time.

If the notice is not created by Thursday, Judge Self said the city can move forward with abatement. Willen added if the city were to move forward, they would have to re-bid the work.

The Phoenix building was condemned by the city in January. A court-ordered demolition was supposed to start on August 7, 2023, and be completed within 30 days. The building is owned by Bobo Cravens.

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