Lilith is a 12 yr. old black poodle only 6 pounds with freakishly long “spider” legs and thinning hair.
Lilith is 12 yo 5 lb female with black freshly groomed fur and long skinny legs.
She has mild cataract and a heart condition and desperately needs to be home on her medications and prescription diet.
She was not wearing a collar or clothes b/c she had been bathed. Her fur and body is thin, but the vet and I were working on new medications and I recently had several bad teeth removed.
I rescued her from a shelter back in Missouri after she had been neglected and abused. She was feeling so much better and starting to be more trusting and playful which is what gave her the energy to wander out of the backyard while being watched by a family member. She does not run and is thought to have been picked up by a Good Samaritan. Myself and countless neighbors have combed the woods and been door to door. I’ve hung flyers, posters, reached out to ever local social media outlet as far as Tunica, MS.
Scammers have tried to exploit me almost daily and I just want Lilith back home where she belongs.
Please help!
She is very much loved and I’m desperately pleading for her safe return.
Area Where Pet Lost: 273 Bayshore Drive off Blue Spring Road in Cadiz
Please Call: Erica Wilson at (573) 380-8058