City Council Approves Cadiz Police Car Purchase

With lengthy back orders and high prices on the horizon, Cadiz City Council took the advice of Cadiz Police Chief Tyler Thomas Tuesday night — and allowed he and the department to purchase a lightly-used patrol cruiser from Charles Stallons, at the price of $26,500.

Thomas noted that even with a new paint job, a refit for equipment and matching detail, the savings could still amount to more than $20,000.

The vehicle in question boasts only 6,000 miles — meaning it should be good for another 125,000-to-150,000 before its eventual surplus.

Furthermore, Thomas said the department has had a good stroke of luck with used cars. The most recent such purchase, he added, is still in commission.

One brand new car remains on order.

As for the month of November, CPD investigated 41 cases, arrested 13 wrongdoers, responded to 444 calls of service, made 68 traffic stops, issued 61 citations, and investigated 11 vehicle collisions with two injuries.

In other council news:

*Cadiz Fire Chief Thomas Futrell issued tough news Tuesday, informing the council that a recent attempt to earn a grant through the Pennyrile Area Development District did not come through.

It would have helped pay for the $125,000 cost of 12 new air tanks — air tanks, Futrell said, that are nearing end-of-life scenarios.

Mayor Todd King noted he would be contacting Congressman James Comer about other options, while the council and Futrell decided that the best course of action would be to soon replace no less than three tanks on each truck (for a total of six), before rotating to replace the other six.

Per councilman Bob Noel, this could create a more affordable spread and replacement process.

*City Council will next meet in special session January 9, 2024.

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