Christian County Public Schools officials have announced Nicole Poindexter as the Full Service Community Schools Director.
She currently serves as principal of Hopkinsville Middle School, a position being taken by Andrew Goins.
The Full Service Community Schools Director is a grant-funded position and part of the Prichard Committee’s $1.5 million investment in Christian County Schools over the next five years. Poindexter will assume the role as director February 5.
CCPS Superintendent Chris Bentzel said Poindexter was an “excellent choice” to lead the work with the Prichard Committee for the district, because she has a proven track-record of excellent leadership and is a respected member of the district and community. Bentzel added the district looks forward to seeing the positive results that can be achieved with the Kentucky Community School Initiative, and her as director.
CCPS was awarded this grant along with several neighboring school districts as well as other districts across Kentucky. This grant is designed to champion community-led educational solutions tailored specifically for Kentucky students and their families.
When implemented effectively, the community schools model has been proven to boost student outcomes, increase college enrollments and contribute to the overall well-being of students — especially in high-poverty schools.
In a written statement, Poindexter said she “loves the community and schools,” and she knows the need is greater than ever to engage parents and schools to effectively support students.
A graduate of CCPS herself, Poindexter has devoted her entire 27-year career to CCPS — one that began in 1996 as a special education teacher.
In addition to classroom teacher, she has served the district as school counselor in both the elementary and middle school, assistant principal at the elementary and high school level and has served as principal at Hopkinsville Middle since 2021.
She earned degrees from Hopkinsville Community College, Austin Peay State University and Murray State University, and she resides in Hopkinsville and is married to Mark Poindexter, Sr. They have five children and two granddaughters.