One of Three Sharp Street Murder Defendants Enters Guilty Plea

One of the three people in the murder of a Hopkinsville man in 2021 entered a guilty plea to facilitation charges Friday in Christian County Circuit Court.

Jaila Sherrod entered the guilty plea to facilitation of murder and tampering with physical evidence, with special prosecutor Zac Greenwell recommending five years in prison on each charge for a total of 10 years.

He said another stipulation to the guilty plea is the future cooperation with police, investigators, and prosecutors regarding her co-defendants.

click to download audioHopkinsville Police said Cortez Hairston Jr. of Hopkinsville shot 23-year-old Adrian Acree multiple times in the middle of Sharp Street in October of 2021. They said Sherrod and Dekorian Daniel helped plan the murder.

Hairston is scheduled to stand trial on March 18 after seeing his motion for a bond reduction denied by Circuit Judge John Atkins earlier this week.

Daniel had a mediation scheduled for this month and will also go to trial if an agreement on a plea can;t be reached.

Acree’s mother was in the courtroom on Friday but declined to address the court.

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