Now less than two months out, the 74th Annual Hopkinsville Rotary Auction will consume nearly every square inch of the War Memorial Building on 1202 South Virginia Street.
Tables will be filled with visitors dining on sweets and meats, bids will get clipped and run down the line up to the stage, and visiting clubs will be touring the efforts, asking those in the know: “How do you guys do it?”
Kelly Gates, native of Christian County and proud chair of this year’s gathering, continues to call her position “a great honor,” and that the theme of “Purposeful Pathways” should send a clear message to all potential donors, sponsors and spenders.
Regardless of their direction, the education of Christian County’s students takes top priority.
There are many ways in which the public can financially assist:
— One can provide baked goods to the Sweet Shoppe.
— One can offer up gift certificates and other in-kind services from their business.
— Lightly-used valuables, especially things like memorabilia, art and antiques, make great donations.
— And advertising opportunities are aplenty.
In the past, she said items have been quite the variety.
Furthermore, the global pandemic forced for creativity, and online bidding options have only provided more chances to make cash.
The “Hour Club” is a popular donation option, she added, because it focuses on the $186 per credit cost for a Christian County student to attend Hopkinsville Community College.
But the Rotary Scholars, Hopkinsville Rotary Club Foundation, as well as “The Goat Club,” also have tiers that may interest philanthropists. And that any kind of giving could go in a wide array of directions.
Buying foods that week also helps generate Rotary revenue, and Gates confirmed officials are going to release their much-anticipated Auction menu this week.
Gates also said items can either be dropped off at the War Memorial Building, or a Rotary member can do the pick-up, and one can make contact by phone {(270) 886-3034}, online {hopkinsvillerotary.com}, or by e-mail {rotary@hopkinsvillerotary.com}.