Kentucky Hunting and Fish Licenses Available

Licenses and permits for fishing, hunting, and trapping in Kentucky for the upcoming license year are now available for purchase.
Foster Care Review Board Volunteers Needed in Trigg

Volunteers are needed in 69 counties in Kentucky to serve on Citizen Foster Care Review Boards which are responsible for reviewing the cases of children in foster care and making recommendations.
Spring Fire Season Still in Effect Until April 30

Fire officials are reminding the people that Kentucky’s Spring Wildfire Hazard Season is still in effect until April 30th.
Creative Writing Workshop to Spotlight Local History

The Museums of Historic Hopkinsville-Christian County will host a creative writing workshop led by Hopkinsville Community College English professor Elizabeth Burton on Tuesday, February 27.
PHOTOS – UHA Senior Night 2024

University Heights Academy recognized the seniors on the boys’ basketball team and the cheerleading squad prior to tipoff of Monday night’s game against Hopkins Central. YourSportsEdge.Com was there and got these pics. Take a look. UHA Senior
PHOTOS – Christian County Preparing for Tennis Season

With more moderate temperatures and sunshine Monday, spring sport athletes had the chance to get outside for some work. YSE caught the Christian County tennis team on the courts at Ruff Park and got some pics of
Man Arrested On Felony Assault Warrant In Hopkinsville

A Lexington man was arrested in Hopkinsville on a warrant for assault Friday morning.
Illinois Woman Dies In Interstate 24 Crash

A Watseka, Illinois woman was killed and a man was injured in a single-vehicle wreck on Interstate 24 in Christian County on Friday afternoon.
Small Fire Extinguished Sunday At BBQ Restaurant

A small fire inside the fire pit was extinguished at Bar-B-Q Shack Sunday afternoon.
Weapons Charges Among Christian County Grand Jury Indictments.

Two men arrested on stolen firearm charges and other offenses after a January assault investigation in Hopkinsville were among several indictments returned by the Christian County Grand Jury Friday.