Hopkinsville City Councilwoman Jamie Lienberger was arraigned in Christian County Circuit Court Wednesday morning with a ‘not guilty’ plea entered on her behalf.
Lienberger is charged with tampering with a witness – a Class D felony – with her attorney Sands Chewning telling Circuit Judge John Atkins and Assistant Commonwealth’s Attorney Greg Cortese that he was still awaiting all of the evidence in the case.
click to download audioThe charge against Lienberger stems from an Oak Grove Police Department abuse investigation from last year. Daniella Maleno of Oak Grove was indicted at the same time as Lienberger for first-degree criminal abuse and tampering with a witness.
Maleno is accused of disciplining her child with a wooden spoon and a curtain rod, causing bruising and marks. The child is Lienberger’s grandchild and the indictment alleged both Maleno and Lienberger instructed the child to lie about how he was injured if questioned by authorities.
Lienberger is in her first term on Hopkinsville City Council from Ward 9 and has filed to run in the May primary election.