Fort Campbell USO Bringing Back ‘Special Delivery’ Shower


Turning 83 years old in 2024, the United Service Organizations have long supported American soldiers and their families in their greatest time of need — be it during deployment, a return, a transition to civilian life, or more dire circumstances.

In a recent conversation with “Hoptown This Morning,” Fort Campbell USO Executive Director Ann Jarvis recounted the organization’s history, which started with coffee and donuts from The Salvation Army — and further blossomed into six groups, represented as stars on the USO logo, including Young Men’s Christian Association, Young Women’s Christian Association, the National Catholic Community Services, the National Travelers Aid Association and the National Jewish Welfare Board.

Located at 6145 Desert Storm Avenue, Fort Campbell’s USO is second-largest in the world, only behind Fort Cavazos and the formerly named Fort Hood. Currently, Jarvis noted it remains busy with “Welcome Home” and care packages for units coming and going to eastern Europe and other undisclosed locations.

Donations for these “wish lists” currently include coffee and beverage supplies, miscellaneous items like clear plastic totes, storage shelving racks, guitar strings and printer paper, and snack supplies like cups of noodles, cups of fruit, and individual bags of chips and cookies.

Jarvis said the most popular “welcome home” snacks, by far, are types of jerky and Slim Jim.

This September, and after a two-year hiatus, will bring the return of the “Special Delivery” Baby Shower after a two-year hiatus. Jarvis said it will be tailored to military spouses amid pregnancy or six months postpartum, and should be open to 80 or so women.

Jarvis said organizations can host their own fundraisers and snack drives for the Fort Campbell USO, and those interested or with questions should visit message their Facebook page, or go online to and use the “Get Involved” tab.

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