Two weeks ago, Trigg County Fiscal Court took in several comments from the public — centered on the ethics and legality of semi-drug-related sales at local convenient stores, providing easy access for middle and high school students.
During Monday night’s meeting, Judge-Executive Stan Humphries noted this particularly involved vape cartridges and the rise of kratom — a tree in the coffee family, native to southeast Asia and Africa. Used in a variety of medicinal ways as an opioid substitute, large doses can be harmful, causing cardiac issues, hallucinations, liver damage, and even death.
Humphries said he met with Trigg Schools Superintendent Bill Thorpe this past week, discussing the rampant campus issues, and accompanied an Alcohol Beverage Control officer to several locations around Cadiz.
However, Humphries did add that House Bill 293 just passed last week and is headed to the Senate for consideration. It creates new sections of KRS Chapter 217 related to kratom, and if codified would direct the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control to license and regulate processors and retailers of kratom products. It would charge kratom processors an annual licensing fee of $1,000 and kratom retailers an annual licensing fee of $500; prohibit the manufacture and sale of certain kratom extracts and kratom products; prohibit the sale of kratom extracts and kratom products to any individuals under 21 years of age; and it would establish penalties and declare the supremacy of any future federal regulations on kratom.
In other court news:
— Following the January death of Ralph Thomas, Humphries said he’s been approached to see if magistrates would move on finding some way to appropriately honor him at the Trigg County Recreation Complex. In life, Thomas volunteered much of his time at every level of youth baseball in the community. Humphries added that perhaps a placard, a sign, or the naming of a field would befit the request.
— Humphries said an advertisement has been secured seeking bids for an architect, and eventually a drawing, of what a new Trigg County Rescue facility might look like. This is a project that’s been not only on the mind of this court, but the previous court under Hollis Alexander, as well as the Trigg Rescue crew.
— On Good Friday, March 29, Humphries said local dignitaries need to be prepared for a humble, but needed, one-year anniversary service of the two-helicopter crash in western Trigg County, that claimed the lives of nine Fort Campbell soldiers.
Set for 9 AM, Humphries added that, pending weather, it will be a groundbreaking.
In his mind, Humphries sees the side closest to Maple Grove Road as a marker for those fallen. On the side closest to Cadiz, a more local remembrance of those from Trigg County, who gave their lives through the ultimate sacrifice.
— Humphries also announced that both the road plan, as well as a major discussion about possibly streaming fiscal court meetings, would come at a later date. In order to review needed projects, a sincere road trip is on the calendar. And cost estimates are being sought for upgrading the body’s videoing capabilities.