Hopkinsville City Council continues discussing improvements downtown and public safety. Tuesday night, Local Development Corporation Chairwoman, Peg Hays presented the Council with the Hopkinsville Real Estate Proposal completed late last year by Jeff Siegler.
click to download audioShe adds Siegler can condense the issues into easy items.
click to download audioPlanters Bank fronted the money for the study, which Hays says is different from the study the city did on Homelessness concerns.
click to download audioCity Council will now consider the proposal.
Meanwhile, Christian County District 6 Magistrate Phillip Peterson was on hand to answer follow-up questions and address concerns regarding a new two-way radio system for the county, which was discussed at the February Committee of the Whole.
Ward 3 Councilman Chuck Crabtree says he digested the information and understands there are shortcomings in the current system.
click to download audioPeterson says he encourages everyone to look at the needs to be met with the new system.
click to download audioJudge Executive Jerry Gilliam and Emergency Management Director Randy Graham were at the Oak Grove City Council meeting asking for its buy-in as well.
In other business, City Council approved closing a portion of Ellen Way, renaming Quarry Street to Reverend CE Timberlake Way between First and Wood Street, and the second reading of the rezoning for a portion of Pyle Lane.