Officials with the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet have announced a second request for proposals to design, build, operate and maintain up to 16 additional electric vehicle charging stations across the Commonwealth.
This includes three exits in the News Edge listening area: Exit 56 (Cadiz/Princeton), Exit 65 (Cadiz/Hopkinsville) and Exit 73 (Gracey/Newstead).
Nearly $70 million has been made available to Kentucky through the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Formula Fund Program, and private businesses can qualify for up to 80% reimbursement for the cost of the project.
Those interested can seek more information online at EVCharging.KY.gov, as the KYTC is seeking qualified developers, site hosts, contractors, suppliers and other key parties to get involved.
The goal is to foster high-quality proposals for the state’s 16 designated zones of traffic, while offering an opportunity for local businesses to engage in the growing EV network.
All RFP’s are due no later than 5 PM Eastern Time, April 19.
Further questions should be shifted to Pennyrile Area Development District Regional Transportation Planner Angela Herndon by email at AngelaS.Herndon@ky.gov.