Perhaps built for March, Trigg County’s Fiscal Court moved swiftly Monday night — unanimously approving the second reading of its 13-page solar ordinance for generating merchant electricity, as well as a major transportation resolution between the Jailer and Sheriff offices.
Unlike nearby municipalities, Trigg County’s measure targets facilities capable of generating at least 10 or more megawatts, has a footprint of more than 40 acres, and opts to sell current on the wholesale market at rates and charges not regulated by the Public Service Commission.
County attorney Randy Braboy had details on the drafted legislation.
Among its highlights and requirements:
— A 1,000-foot setback from any adjoining property owner, and a 2,000-foot setback from any non-participating residence, school, hospital or nursing home facility;
— Deliberate perimeter access and screening, which involves an 8-foot fence and double row of staggered evergreen trees creating 90% opacity within three years of planting, with all screening installed 180 days prior to construction;
— A maximum 12-month furlough on decommissioning a site;
— And a 90-day written notice of revocation should stipulations not be met.
Judge-Executive Stan Humphries said this idea was more of a compromise for all potential parties, and it legally keeps the decision, for the most part, inside county lines.
As for criminal transport, magistrates agreed to designate the following two sections of law:
— All law enforcement officers shall deliver adults arrested for criminal offenses in Trigg County to the Jailer, or his designated deputy, at the holding facilities located in the Justice Center.
— In the event that the detainee requires any treatment, clearance or other medical procedure, the arresting law enforcement officer and his agency shall obtain such clearance from the emergency department of the Trigg County Hospital prior to delivering the prisoner.
— The Jailer shall make reasonable efforts to respond and arrive to the custody transfer location within 15 minutes of a call for service.
— All adult detainees held in a county jail facility within Kentucky, and needed for transport to and from the District and Circuit Courts of Trigg, shall be moved by the Jailer, who is authorized to coordinate other means through the judge-executive’s office.
— The Sheriff, or designee, shall transport out-of-state detainees to the Christian County Jail, where the Jailer can intercept.
— And the Sheriff shall transport all juvenile and adult detainees held for civil court proceedings in Trigg District and/or Circuit Court.
Magistrate Mike Wright noted the formality.
In other court news:
— Following a convening and recommendation from the Trigg County Complex committee, magistrates unanimously approved the renaming of the Trigg County Lady Wildcats softball field, formerly the Little League diamond, to the Ralph Thomas Field. Thomas was an ardent advocate and supporter of local athletics, and Humphries said there’s already more than $1,500 earmarked in donations for some proper signage.
— Humphries said he met with an undisclosed company Monday, regarding the possibility of joining up with partner counties for a recycling hub. He noted this is the first of many steps necessary before any agreement became a reality.