Once again, the City of Cadiz is looking for an On Main Director.
Brianna Hyde announced her resignation from the position in a Thursday afternoon Facebook post, just two days after making a concerted presentation about the Cadiz Farmers’ Market with the Cadiz Rotary Club, and just one day after an extensive meeting about entertainment options with the newly-reformed and refitted Trigg County Country Ham Festival Committee.
In her written statement, Hyde noted it was “not an easy decision,” because she “truly loves Cadiz.”
She also noted that she hoped community members could see the improvements she “worked tirelessly to make, the passion behind every new idea,” and the decorations and events in her control — which in the last few months did include the return of the beloved Ham Festival Parade, raising more than $2,000 through a “Memories Matter” Walk, several backdrop designs at the Renaissance Stage, and more.
Hyde also said she hoped the future of the On Main Program “remains bright,” and that the next director “loves the city” as much as she does.
She closed by stating all questions pertaining to the Cadiz Farmers’ Market, the Trigg County Country Ham Festival, or other related concerns such as the Renaissance Stage and Renaissance Center, should be directed to Cadiz City Hall at (270) 522-8244.
Since Leida Tackett’s tenure in the role from 2009 until 2019 as an official Main Street program, the City of Cadiz has had five hold the position since 2020: Casey Parrent, Darlene Butts, Ryan Clark, Janelle Nichols and Hyde.
In a statement to The News Edge, Hyde said she “truly loved” being the On Main director, especially getting to “bring things to life.” However, she said “recent constraints” put on her position — both financial and leadership — made things “difficult to do the job in a fashion [she] felt uncomfortable putting [her] name on as the director.”
Cadiz City Council meets again May 7. Applications for her position will be accepted through May 17 at Cadiz City Hall.