Pratt, Of Cadiz, Hired As Murray CVB Marketing Director


A 2020 graduate of University Heights Academy, Tori Pratt has been hired as the next director of marketing for the Murray Convention & Visitor’s Bureau in Calloway County.

The daughter of Tasha and Ray Burnam, she’s a native of St. Louis who grew up in Cadiz alongside her brother, Tyler.

Toting a May 2024 bachelor’s of science degree in public relations and minor in marketing from Murray State University, she could have taken her talents elsewhere — perhaps outside of west Kentucky.

Instead, she accepted a very nuanced, detailed position closer to home — where she will be responsible for event coverage, a strong social media presence and the promotion of community.

While at MSU, she served as president of Public Relations Student Society of America, editor for sorority Sigma Alpha Iota and publicity coordinator for the annual Campus Lights production, and picked up her passion for PR through a familial connection.

At 22 years old, Pratt also is part of a large generation that has observed the massive rebound of physical, legacy media — and seen both sides of the digital world having experienced COVID-19 classrooms, and the return to in-person learning.

So how did Pratt find this kind of job in the first place? Perhaps, a stroke of luck. Perhaps, a good fit.

A relatively new institution, the Murray Tourism Commission was drafted through Murray City Council legislation in 1979. By the 1990’s it became a full-time job, and earned a re-branding in 2007. Now, its mission is to increase overnight stays in Murray through tourism and events — such as conferences and sporting events — while developing relationships throughout the county, region and Commonwealth.

Its budget, valued at an average $290,000 annually, is bolstered through 4% transient room tax from hotel guests.

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