The 53rd Annual Thomas-Bridges Family Reunion is just around the corner, planned for this Saturday and Sunday in Cadiz.
Descendants of James Thomas, Sr. and. Drury Bridges — two of Trigg County’s early pioneer settlers — will meet for two days of fun and fellowship in the community.
Both Thomas and Bridges moved from North Carolina to western Kentucky. Bridges and his family arrived in 1804 and settled on 84 acres of land on Beechy Fork Creek. Thomas, Sr., arrived in 1806 and settled on 200 acres of land at what is now the intersection of the Donaldson and Cadiz roads.
Thomas had seven children — three of whom married into the Bridges’ family of seven children — and as such, a reunion could not be held without both families present.
Sponsored by The Thomas-Bridges Association, the weekend involves all family members — regardless of affiliation to the group.
The Association was founded in 1971, and at present keeps track of more than 300 descendants.
This weekend will include a wide variety of events with plenty of time in between to sit, relax and talk about old times.
Festivities begin at 3 p.m. Saturday, with a special show-and-tell event at the Trigg County Historical and Transportation Museum on 41 Jefferson Street. Family members are encouraged to bring family photos and treasures to share.
Additionally, the award-winning Cadiz Railroad display will be open for viewing. It was recently recognized by the Kentucky Historical Society with a Community Impact Award.
Then, at 5 PM Saturday, Thomas-Bridges Association Board of Directors and Members Business Meeting will take place at the museum. All members are invited to attend.
At 6 PM Saturday, the “Welcome Home Wiener Roast” will be held at the West Cadiz Park Pavilion and will include musical entertainment. Bring lawn chairs, take photos, relax, and visit with family and friends. This event is sponsored by the Allison W. and Catherine E. (Carloss) Thomas family.
Beginning at 11 AM Sunday, the doors of the Trigg County Senior Center will open for a devotional. Lunch will be served at noon, and a program will begin at 1 PM — one that will include installation of new officers and board members, a roll call of states, and recognition of the oldest and youngest attendees.
Furthermore, family members who have died since the last reunion will be remembered. In closing, the traditional “My Old Kentucky Home” will be sung.