Hopkinsville Approves Entertainment District First Steps


Soon residents may be able to walk downtown Hopkinsville and enjoy an adult beverage, with a few restrictions. Tuesday night, the City Council approved the first reading of an ordinance establishing a downtown entertainment district.

click to download audioCity Clerk Brittany Byrum read the ordinance which details the boundaries, licensing fees, and participation requirements. Council had several questions. Chuck Crabtree asked if the businesses have expressed interest.

click to download audioDon Marsh questioned the liability involved.

click to download audioThe ordinance did pass unanimously. A second reading will need to pass and the state will review the boundaries of the entertainment district. Residents would not have the right to carry any alcoholic beverage; it would only be drinks purchased from participating businesses in approved entertainment district branded cups.

In other business, City Council approved the first reading of ordinances rezoning portions of Major and Old Major Lanes as well as Young Street. Carlos Duran and Russ Guffey were appointed to the Small Business Commission to fill unexpired terms. Jonathan Zordel and Becky Dearman were appointed to the Hopkinsville-Christian County Public Library Board.

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