Dossett Encourages Parents, Students to Stay Away from Vaping at School

The General Assembly passed legislation this year to crack down on student usage of e-cigarettes and vapes in school. House Bill 142 requires school districts to prohibit tobacco, alternative nicotine, and vapor products and provide evidence-based materials to students who violate this policy.

With school now back in session, Ninth District State Representative Myron Dossett reminds students not to bring vapes or vaping products to school.

click to download audioDossett also encourages students not to hold someone else’s vape at school.

click to download audioThe Christian County Public School District approved a zero-tolerance policy relating to vaping in 2023 and immediately saw a decrease in vaping in schools at the beginning of the school year. The policy was created in response to the 2022-2023 school year in which 255 students were caught with vaping products, and 101 of these devices contained a controlled substance.

Dossett said one of the biggest dangers is what can be used in a vape.

click to download audioFor this school year, Christian County’s policy will differentiate between vapes with THC or controlled substances and those containing solely nicotine. Legal action will only be taken if the device contains a controlled substance, but school discipline will apply in either case and the device will be confiscated.

While the sale of vaping products is legal, even on property adjacent to a school, Dossett said the sale of vaping products to minors is against the law

click to download audioDossett encourages parents to have a talk with their children about the dangers of vaping and the legal consequences that could result.

Dossett represents Christian County in the Kentucky House.

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