Christian County Grand Jury Issues Indictments


The Christian County Grand Jury returned multiple indictments Friday including on charges of wanton endangerment, assault of a police officer, and child abuse.

A true bill was returned on Paul Sierra, of Hopkinsville, on charges of wanton endangerment, terroristic threatening, and resisting arrest.

The charges stem from June 9 when Hopkinsville Police said Sierra threatened to blow up a house on South O’Neal Avenue with his mother inside by turning on the gas and lighting a piece of paper on fire. Police evacuated the neighboring homes and the gas was shut off to the home before Sierra was taken into custody.

Cara Allen, of Hopkinsville, was indicted on a single count of assault of a police officer, false report which generates an emergency response, resisting arrest and public intoxication of a controlled substance.

Allen is accused of falsely reporting a house fire on West 2nd Street on May 5th and refusing to put a dog down she was carrying as she was being arrested for public intoxication. According to police, she hit an officer in the arm before she was tased and taken into custody.

A true bill was returned on Jasmine Bartolo, of Hopkinsville, on charges of criminal abuse – child under 12 years of age, trafficking carfentanil or fentanyl derivatives while armed, possession of marijuana while armed and four counts of wanton endangerment.

The charges are from July 20 when Hopkinsville Police reported that Bartolo brought a 20-month old child to the hospital with symptoms of overdose. After running tests, Bartolo was taken into custody and a search was conducted of her home. During the search, police reportedly found marijuana, a gun, and fentanyl. Police said the child was transferred to Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville for treatment.

Keneeka Poindexter, of Hopkinsville, was indicted on three counts of abandonment of a minor from an incident on July 2 where she is accused of abandoning her three minor children.

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