New Trigg Senior Center Bus to Benefit the Community (w/VIDEO)

A process that was over a year in the making culminated on Friday with the unveiling of the new Trigg County Senior Citizens bus complete with an original and one-of-a-kind design.

The 2024 Chevrolet 3500 Starcraft All-Star — purchased through Wildcat Chevrolet for nearly $121,000 — can seat 13-plus passengers — more, if the handicapped and wheelchair space weren’t needed — and comes with a lift to assist those unable to board on their own.

Senior Center Director Sissy Lawrence says the new bus will now eliminate some obstacles that faced center-goers in the past.

click to download audioHarold Monroe, the executive director of Pennyrile Allied Community Services, which oversees senior services in the nine-county region, says transportation has been one of the main priorities of PACS based on need.

click to download audioMonroe says PACS and many other state agencies that support senior programs are still trying to recover from the COVID pandemic that altered the purchasing of vehicles.

click to download audioThe bus was a community joint effort that saw financial commitments from Trigg County Fiscal Court through Local Government Economic Assistance (LGEA) funds; a match from the Cadiz Rotary Club as well as the City of Cadiz; and Cadiz-Trigg County Tourism.

Monroe says he is not surprised by the community support.

click to download audioJudge-executive Stan Humphries calls the bus a “community bus.”

click to download audioCadiz Mayor Todd King calls the bus beneficial for several reasons.

click to download audioTourism Executive Director Beth Sumner, who is also a member of the Cadiz Rotary Club, says the wrap design on the bus is sure to be a conversation starter when it begins its travels.

click to download audioLawrence says a suggestion box on places to take the bus was placed at the senior center recently and has already neared its capacity. A possible name for the bus is also in the works.

Here is video of the unveiling.

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(photos by Cindy Allen-Lax)

Trigg County Senior Bus Unveiling

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