Trigg Magistrates Approve Resolution Of Support For PREA Pipeline


Earlier this week, Trigg County magistrates expressed their support for the Pennyrile Energy Corridor project.

Tim Thomas, speaking on behalf of the Pennyrile Regional Energy Agency, said the public entity was created to serve the underserved areas in Lyon, Caldwell, Trigg, Christian, and Todd counties.

Thomas noted the shift in recent years from coal-fired power plants to those powered by natural gas.

The Pennyrile Energy Corridor will connect to an ANR pipeline near Lamasco.

Thomas said that they are requesting communities affected by the pipeline to adopt resolutions of support.

Thomas noted that once the region secures a more reliable natural gas supply the Pennyrile area is likely to experience even greater growth.

Magistrates unanimously approved the resolution, except for Alana Baker-Dunn, who was absent from the meeting due to illness.

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