Trigg County Schools Closes Shop On 2023-24 Academic Year


Trigg County Schools Board of Education closed up shop on Superintendent Bill Thorpe’s tenure Thursday night — ushering in the arrival of Rex Booth and his family, who were introduced last week.

Headed back to his home community of Marshall County after June 30, Thorpe said he was leaving on a good note.

Booth, meanwhile, said he and his family were working to move into the county as soon as possible.

In other school news:

— Thorpe confirmed that the district’s online registration link for new and returning students would go live Monday, July 1, at He also said it was user friendly.

— Chief Finance Officer Holly Greene, as well as Director of Operations Matt Ladd, also confirmed that the EV charging station project was “nearly complete,” and at least one EV bus was set to arrive in the coming days.

Furthermore, Greene noted that the district earned more than $800,000 of interest through specific cash reserves this past fiscal year, with another $2 million being recouped through a loan for the co-curricular building that was never used.

Because that $2 million is bonded, Greene added that it was wiser to save the cash for another potential project.

Board members unanimously approved her Governmental Accounting Standards Board, or GASB 54, recommendations, which included more than $2 million for potential land acquisition and building infrastructure needs, more than $290,000 in site improvements, more than $270,000 in sick leave and retirement payouts, and more than $120,000 in SBDM.

— An open house of the renovated CT Center has tentatively been planned from 4-6 PM Friday, August 2. Board member Charlene Sheehan said both Governor Andy Beshear and Lt. Governor Jacqueline Coleman have been invited, but that any potential conflicting dates could shift the celebration to a different time.

— All new administration, including Booth, will be welcomed at a “Meet And Greet” set for 6 PM, July 23 at the new co-curricular building.

— Board members also unanimously approved the second reading of both the new behavioral KRS in place, as well as the updated administrative code.

— Officials entered into executive session, with no action taken, for discussions pertaining to the possible acquisition or sale of land.

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