Corn, Soybean, And Tobacco Field Day Set For Tuesday In Princeton


The University of Kentucky Research and Education Center will host the annual Corn, Soybean, and Tobacco Field Day on Tuesday, July 23rd, with several timely topics on the tours.

Grain and Forage Center of Excellence Director Dr. Chad Lee says registration begins at 7:00, with the tours to begin promptly at 8:00.

click to download audioDr. Lee says UK Meteorologist Matt Dixon will be showing off a new weather app.

click to download audioHe adds several UK specialists are on the program.

click to download audioDr. Lee says Tuesday should prove to be an informative day because farmers have several things on their minds this year.

click to download audioHe says anyone planning to attend the tour can register in advance by searching for the Corn, Soybean, and Tobacco Field Day Event Brite page. Dr. Lee says if you don’t have time to register, feel free to show up Tuesday morning before 8:00.


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