Christian County Public Schools officials announced Tuesday afternoon the upcoming retirement of Anita Hopson, Director of Personnel. She alerted officials earlier this week, and it will become effective October 1.
In a written statement, Hopson said CCPS is the only school system she had been a part of, and that she was honored to spend her entire career there. She also said it has been “bittersweet” to reflect on the past 30 years — remembering the countless students, teachers, staff, principals and superintendents who have impacted her career.
That career began in 1995 as a teacher at Morningside Elementary. She later moved to Belmont Elementary, where she served as teacher, curriculum coach and principal. Hopson was promoted to Director of Elementary Education in 2014 and returned to the role of principal in 2017 as an interim at Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Elementary for a short time.
She has served as the district personnel director since the beginning of 2018.
Superintendent Chris Bentzel said she first met Hopson as a fellow teacher at Belmont, many years ago, and that over the years, she has excelled as a teacher, principal and administrator within the district.
The position has been posted on the district website and the district will begin the process of selecting a new personnel director by the end of August, to allow for a smooth transition into the new role prior to Hopson’s departure.