Christian County Public Schools Holding Central Office Open House

With the school year well underway, Christian County Public Schools hopes to create a welcoming and engaging environment for students and parents.

Full-Service Community Schools Director Nicole Poindexter says that with the awarding of a 5-year grant, Christian County High School and Freedom Elementary Schools can focus on parent and student involvement.

click to download audioPoindexter explains that she hopes CCPS can use this grant to help students become engaged.

click to download audioShe says that she also hopes that parents will become more involved with the schools.

click to download audioTo emphasize this, the CCPS Central Office will be hosting an open house on Thursday, September 19th to encourage parents to get to know the school system.

click to download audioPoindexter says that everyone is invited to the open house.

click to download audioThe CCPS Central Office open house will be held on September 19th from 4:00 to 5:30 at 200 Glass Avenue.


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