CCPS Addressing Senate Bill 24 With Optional Petition Process


In 2024, the Kentucky General Assembly passed Senate Bill 24 — requiring children heading to kindergarten just before the 2025-26 academic year, and beyond, be 5 years old by August 1, rather than October 1.

The law, however, also allows districts to adopt policies allowing parents to petition its boards of education seeking allowance of their young students, who may be close to the cutoff date.

In response to the community’s request for exception, Christian County Public Schools officials have announced their Entrance Age Policy Petition Process, which will allow a student and their family to request enrollment considerations if the child turns 5 years old soon after August 1.

The deadline for this exception petition is March 31.

Families must request a Petition for Early Enrollment Form from guidance counselors of their zoned school, and the parent/guardian will have to provide the student’s birth date and reasoning for the requested exception.

All early enrollment literature is then reviewed by the district’s elementary instructional supervisor, in which a Brigance Assessment — used to determine a student’s readiness for entry into school — will be ordered through a $25 processing fee.

The completed Petition for Early Enrollment Form and Brigance Assessment is then submitted and reviewed by the district’s Early Entrance Committee.

Once reviewed, the parent/guardian will receive the district’s approval or denial in writing via mail, and the district still reserves the discretion to deny early enrollment based on a number of factors — including social-emotional readiness, availability of space, and funding.

All questions regarding this process should be directed to the district’s Director of Pupil Personnel Melanie Barrett at (270) 887-7005, EXT. 77532, or

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