Wells, Former Trigg Educator, Arrested In Christian County


A Hopkinsville woman was charged with DUI after she reportedly fell asleep in the school pickup line Monday afternoon.

Hopkinsville Police say they were called to Christian County Middle School for 42-year-old Ashley Wells.

Officers reportedly located her vehicle and made a traffic stop on Glass Avenue, and during the stop, she was found to have open alcohol beverage containers in the vehicle along with two juveniles.

Police say after field sobriety tests, she was taken to the hospital for a blood test and then arrested and charged with DUI, second-degree wanton endangerment, and possession of an open alcoholic beverage container in a motor vehicle.

In 2022, she was arraigned in Christian County Circuit Court after being charged with first-degree sexual abuse while employed at Trigg County High School.

It stemmed from a state police investigation that began in January of that year, involving allegations of sexual contact between a Trigg County Public School teacher and a student.

This investigation revealed that Wells had sexual contact with a 17-year old student in 2016 in Christian County.

In November 2022, she reached an Alford plea deal regarding the inappropriate relationship, which resulted in an amended charge of second-degree unlawful transaction with a minor, a Class D felony.

Then Commonwealth’s Attorney Rick Boling recommended a one-year sentence to be diverted under the felony pretrial diversion program for a period of three years, where she did not have to serve any time in jail — as long as she doesn’t commit any other crimes — and she did not have to register as a sex offender.

At the time, Boling entered into the record that Wells allegedly had contact with the minor that included a “romantic, passionate kiss” and some type of sexual contact by the minor’s hands to Wells’ body, but there was no sexual intercourse.

She is currently lodged in the Christian County Jail for probation violation of a felony offense.

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